Basic skills and knowledge: In order to be capable of
working on research problems in this area, you need to prepare
yourself with the some skills and knowledge. Here is a check
list for you to see if you are ready. If you are not 100%
comfortable with any one of the items, you need to look for
materials to enhance your knowledge on the concept or subject.
Many concepts are taught in 255A or covered in
this book on Delay Testing. You can begin by tracing and modifying the
existing tools being
Basic test knowledge: Ask yourself, do you understand
the following concepts?
- Fault models like stuck-at, bridging, transition faults,
path delay faults
- ATPG search
- Defective part level and DPL prediction models
(Williams-Brown Model)
- Scan test and functional test
- Test compression
- SAT and SAT based ATPG
Delay test: Ask yourself, are you familiar with delay
testing concepts? You may need to read
Chapters 1-6 of this good book on delay testing.
- Two-vector pattern test
- Transition fault ATPG
- Critical path and speed path
- Path delay ATPG, sensitization criteria of a path
- SAT-based path delay ATPG
- Speed binning, functional mode vs. scan mode
- Correlation of functional delay testing to scan delay
Timing analysis: Ask yourself, do you feel comfortable
about the following?
- Static timing analysis algorithm
- Building a timing model
- Statistical STA algorithms (Canonical-form
- Statistical timing models
- Models of process variations, spatial correlation models
- Design timing closure
- Critical path selection and ranking
Programming skills: Are you familiar with various
programming skills? (Are you familiar with standard programming
interface such as
library, or a parser builder like
- Basic data structures: Stack, Queue, Hashing, Binary
tree, Array of pointers, Graph, etc.
- You probably want to get familiar with
C++ library on using basic data structures and
- Basic algorithms: Sorting, Search algorithms, Branch and
Bound, Local search, Genetic algorithm
- Parsers: Do you know how to write a parser to parse a
circuit netlist, a timing model, a design data format like
XML? Do you know how to use a parser builder like Bison?
- ATPG: Do know know how to write an ATPG?
- SAT: Can you take a SAT solver and write a SAT-based
path delay fault ATPG?
- Simulators: Can you write a fault simulator? Can you
write a timing simulator based on a given fixed-delay timing
(still under construction ...) Last update:
09/27/2006 02:10:32 PM
For 1173.001, the project started on Jan 1,
2004. You can find the progressive reports here
(username: src, password: src1578). Where this research is going
can be found at this NSF project
proposal with references.
Our focus of research is to solve problems
after design timing closure and before mass production. If you
are not familiar with what problems to solve, you probably want
to review my TTEP
tutorial slides. We can divide the problems into several
Pre-silicon simulation and analysis: The
simulation and analysis tools are more accurate with the
objective to support test preparation and silicon debug. An
example of this can be the
Pattern-based statistical timing analysis tool.
Timed ATPG and statistical timed ATPG:
The objective is to build an ATPG tool that can extend the
ATPG analysis to include timing information or even
statistical timing information. An example can be the
Learning-driven statistical
timing ATPG approach.
Timing diagnosis and debug: The objective
is to extend the traditional research in diagnosis and debug
to consider process variations. For example, statistical
diagnosis is quite different from traditional diagnosis as
stated in this paper.
I think to go further, the statistical diagnosis has to be
combined with Design-for-Manufacturing (DFM) techniques such
as Identifying and Matching Problematic Layout Patterns.
Test preparation and test optimization:
The objective is to develop the best test sets or the
optimal test strategy in delay test or speed binning. To
begin the thinking of this direction, we have been work on
Test Pattern Selection.
This is only a very small step to achieve Test
Optimization. In general, we need to think, after
analyzing the test results from the 1st silicon samples,
what can we do to improve our test pattern set or to improve
our test strategy?
Test data mining and learning: To support
diagnosis, debug, and test optimization, test data mining
and learning techniques should be invented. However, so far
we have not yet proposed something concrete enough to be
called Test Data Mining. This will continuously be
the question driving us.
In summary, to be able to pursue research in
this area, you need to get yourself familiar with the skills and
knowledge listed on the left-hand side. You need to understand
the materials covered in the
TTEP tutorial. Also,
you need to understand the basic algorithms in data mining and
learning. Then, we can start the discussion of how to apply
various learning techniques to solve problems in this domain.
Working on the existing tools:
A good way to get yourself familiar with the
concepts and skills listed on the left-hand side is to work on
something that is real. So far we have developed various tools
and methodologies. You can pick up the code of a tool and try to
extend it or develop some simplified versions of the codes.
Statistical timing model: You need
to get familiar with this model and also, try to develop and
enhance the model so that it can be incorporated with our
Pattern-based statistical timing
analyzer: This tool takes a pattern and simulate it
based on the statistical timing model. The simulation is
hazard-aware as described
in the paper. You can extend it to consider other timing
effects such as spatial correlations, cross-talks, MISs,
Statistical static timing analyzer:
This tool implements the IBM
SSTA methodology. The enhancement is to allow spatial
correlations to be learned from the silicon path delay
testing results as described in this
DAC submission.
You can take this tool and add various features to it, such
as selection of critical paths and add a SAT-based path
delay ATPG to it.
After you read the book,
you can try to develop some simple codes to do:
Transition fault and path delay fault
simulation (logic analysis only)
ATPG for path delay fault
Critical path classification (logic
analysis only)
Path classification and path simulation
by considering timing
Developing those simple tools can help you
understand the concepts as well as help you to practice your
coding ability.