Sean Hsi, Benjamin N Lee, Li-C Wang and Magdy Abadir
Cost-Sensitive Statistical Learning for Test Optimization.
Submitted to Desigh Automation Conference, 2007.
Applying Random Forests to delay test.

Pouria Bastani, Benjamin N Lee, Li-C Wang and Magdy Abadir
Mining test data for ranking cells in terms of timing uncertainties.
Submitted to Design Automation Conference, 2007.
Data mining post-silicon test results to determine which cells are most uncertain.


Benjamin N Lee, Li-C Wang and Magdy Abadir
Issues on Test Optimization with Known Good Dies and Known Defective Dies - A Statistical Perspective .
Accepted to International Test Conference (ITC), 2006. (also presented at ITSW, 2006)
Initial work on training SVMs for delay test.

Benjamin N Lee, Li-C Wang and Magdy Abadir
Refined Statistical Static Timing Analysis Through Learning Spatial Delay Correlations.
Accepted to Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2006. (also presented at TAU, 2006)
In this work, we proposed a Bayesian inference framework for learning important parameters from a manufactured chip.

Benjamin N Lee, Hui Li, Li-C Wang and Magdy Abadir
Hazard-aware Statistical Timing Simulation and Its Applications in Screening Frequency-dependent Defects
Proc. International Test Conference (ITC), November 2005
We extend a statistical pattern simulator to handle hazards and allow for uncertainty-based test-pattern selection.

Benjamin N Lee, Li-C Wang and Magdy S. Abadir
Reducing Pattern Delay Variations for Screening Frequency-dependent Defects
Proc. IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), May 2005

Statistical timing analysis has been proposed from mainly a static, pattern-less perspective. In this paper, we look at it from a pattern-based perspective and examine how it can be used for testing, in particular for reducing the pattern delay variation of a test pattern set.

Jason Kwok-san Lee, Benjamin N Lee, Jeremy Thorpe, Kenneth Andrews, Sam Dolinar, Jon Hamkins
A Scalable Architecture of a Structured LDPC Decoder
IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, 2004
LDPC error-correcting codes offer excellent performance for reasonable complexity. In this work, we discuss a scalable FPGA hardware implementation of an LDPC decoder.

The Lutonium: A Sub-Nanojoule Asynchronous 8051 Microcontroller
Proc. 9th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Systems & Circuits (ASYNC), May 2003
This work describes the design of an ultra low-power, fully asynchronous version of the popular 8051 microcontroller.