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librf File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
discrete_dist.h [code]
instance.h [code]
instance_set.h [code]Instance Set This is the abstraction for a data set -- Currently libSVM, CSV -- want to support ARFF
librf.h [code]
random_forest.ccRandom forest implementation
random_forest.h [code]Randomforest interface This is the interface to manage a random forest
stringutils.h [code]
tree.ccTree implementation
tree.h [code]A single decision tree The implementation is a port of the Fortran implementation
tree_node.h [code]Structure for a single node in a decision tree
types.h [code]
utils.h [code]
weights.h [code]

Generated on Mon Jan 8 23:19:06 2007 for librf by doxygen 1.3.7