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  Dealing with timing in the presence of increased uncertainties

TTEP2006: A tutorial proposal was submitted for ITC 2006. You can download the outline of tutorial here.

The current tutorial slides can be downloaded here.

So far, we have divided the reference list into the following categories:








(still under construction ...) Last update: 12/11/2005 07:58:45 AM
Modeling of variations

This seems like a very good tutorial. I found it on the web site. This is probably the 1st paper to read before reading other papers. Some understanding of the manufacturing process is required.
Models of Process Variations in Device and Interconnect Duane S. Boning and Sani Nassif, in W. Bowhill A. Chandrakasan and F. Fox, editors, Design of High Performance Microprocessor Circuits, chapter 6. IEEE Press, 2000

This is a paper widely referenced by others working in statistical timing. This is a journal version of their paper in ICCAD 2000 shown below. I think what this paper talks about has something to do with the Fmax prediction paper by S G Duvall shown in the section of "Fmax prediction" below. You may want to read both papers carefully. They are quite interesting.
(key paper) Impact of spatial intrachip gate length variability on the performance of high-speed digital circuits Orshansky, M.; Milor, L.; Pinhong Chen; Keutzer, K.; Chenming Hu;Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on,Volume: 21 , Issue: 5 , May 2002 Pages:544 - 553

This seems to be one of the latest papers from this group on the topic. It should have the most up-to-date references and information.
(key paper)
Characterization of spatial intrafield gate CD variability, its impact on circuit performance, and spatial mask-level correction Orshansky, M.; Milor, L.; Chenming Hu;Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on  ,Volume: 17 , Issue: 1 , Feb. 2004 Pages:2 - 11

This is another widely referenced paper.
(key paper)
A methodology for modeling the effects of systematic within-die interconnect and device variation on circuit performance
Mehrotra, V.; Shiou Lin Sam; Boning, D.; Chandrakasan, A.; Vallishayee, R.; Nassif, S.;Design Automation Conference, 2000. Proceedings 2000. 37th , June 5-9, 2000 Pages:172 - 175

This is a tutorial paper. It clearly described how statistical approaches should be used in circuit modeling and optimization. It mentions the use of the Response Surface Model techniques. This paper is from Intel and I think the work (and the person) is quite influential in Intel.
(key paper)
Statistical circuit modeling and optimization
Duvall, S.G.; Statistical Metrology, 2000 5th International Workshop on , 11 June 2000 Pages:56 - 63

Analysis and decomposition of spatial variation in integrated circuit processes and devices Stine, B.E.; Boning, D.S.; Chung, J.E.; Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on  ,Volume: 10 , Issue: 1 , Feb. 1997 Pages:24 - 41

This paper compares the relative importance of device and interconnect variability. Corrections are made based on parameters affecting locally vs. those affecting globally.
Circuit performance variability decomposition Orshansky, M.; Spanos, C.; Chenming Hu;
Statistical Metrology, 1999. IWSM. 1999 4th International Workshop on , 12 June 1999 Pages:10 - 13

This paper is a good introductory paper for statistical process control, an area with long history.
Statistical process control in semiconductor manufacturing Spanos, C.J.; Proceedings of the IEEE  ,Volume: 80 , Issue: 6 , June 1992 Pages:819 - 830

In the area of parameter extraction from process, the concept of statistical inference has been used a lot. This is similar to silicon learning at the high level, where design parameters are learned from chip behavior. This is a good paper to describe the parameter extraction at process level.
Parameter Extraction for Statistical IC Process Characterization
Spanos, C.J.; Director, S.W.;Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on  ,Volume: 5 , Issue: 1 , January 1986  Pages:66 - 78

Another good paper to learn about process parameter characterization.
Patterning tool characterization by causal variability decomposition
Crid Yu; Hua-Yu Liu; Spanos, C.J.;Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on  ,Volume: 9 , Issue: 4 , Nov. 1996 Pages:527 - 535

Modeling and forecasting of manufacturing variations Nassif, S.R.;Statistical Metrology, 2000 5th International Workshop on , 11 June 2000, Pages:2 - 10Modeling and forecasting of manufacturing variations Nassif, S.R.; Design Automation Conference, 2001. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2001. Asia and South Pacific , 30 Jan.-2 Feb. 2001 Pages:145 - 149
Modeling and analysis of manufacturing variations Nassif, S.R.;Custom Integrated Circuits, 2001, IEEE Conference on. , 6-9 May 2001 Pages:223 - 228

Within-chip variability analysis Nassif, S.R.;Electron Devices Meeting, 1998. IEDM '98 Technical Digest., International , 6-9 Dec. 1998 Pages:283 - 286

The impact of variability on power Nassif, S.R.;Low Power Electronics and Design, 2004. ISLPED '04. Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on , 9-11 Aug. 2004 Pages:350

Delay variability: sources, impacts and trends Nassif, S.;Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2000. Digest of Technical Papers. ISSCC. 2000 IEEE International , 7-9 Feb. 2000 Pages:368 - 369

Modeling the effects of manufacturing variation on high-speed microprocessor interconnect performance Mehrotra, V.; Nassif, S.; Boning, D.; Chung, J.;Electron Devices Meeting, 1998. IEDM '98 Technical Digest., International , 6-9 Dec. 1998 Pages:767 - 770

Spice up your MOSFET modelling Yu Cao; Orshansky, M.; Sato, T.; Sylvester, D.; Chenming Hu;Circuits and Devices Magazine, IEEE  ,Volume: 19 , Issue: 4 , July 2003 Pages:17 - 23

Efficient generation of pre-silicon MOS model parameters for early circuit design
Orshansky, M.; An, J.; Chun Jiang; Liu, B.; Riccobene, C.; Chenming Hu;Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of  ,Volume: 36 , Issue: 1 , Jan. 2001 Pages:156 - 159

Impact of systematic spatial intra-chip gate length variability on performance of high-speed digital circuits Orshansky, M.; Milor, L.; Pinhong Chen; Keutzer, K.; Chenming Hu;Computer Aided Design, 2000. ICCAD-2000. IEEE/ACM International Conference on , 5-9 Nov. 2000 Pages:62 - 67

New paradigm of predictive MOSFET and interconnect modeling for early circuit simulation Cao, Y.; Sato, T.; Orshansky, M.; Sylvester, D.; Hu, C.;Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2000. CICC. Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 , 21-24 May 2000 Pages:201 - 204

Intra-field gate CD variability and its impact on circuit performance Orshansky, M.; Milor, L.; Ly Nguyen; Hill, G.; Yeng Peng; Chenming Hu;Electron Devices Meeting, 1999. IEDM Technical Digest. International , 5-8 Dec. 1999 Pages:479 - 482

Statistical circuit characterization for deep-submicron CMOS designs Chen, J.; Orshansky, M.; Chenming Hu; Wan, C.-P.;Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1998. Digest of Technical Papers. 45th ISSCC 1998 IEEE International , 5-7 Feb. 1998 Pages:90 - 91

Combining model development with characterization Scharfetter, D.; Duvall, S.;
Electron Devices Meeting, 1991. Technical Digest., International , 8-11 Dec. 1991 Pages:976 - 977

Circuit sensitivity to interconnect variation Lin, Z.; Spanos, C.J.; Milor, L.S.; Lin, Y.T.;
Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on  ,Volume: 11 , Issue: 4 , Nov. 1998
Pages:557 - 568

Statistical modeling for analog designs - mismatch

Statistical modeling of device mismatch for analog MOS integrated circuits
Michael, C.; Ismail, M.; Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of , Volume: 27 , Issue: 2 , Feb. 1992 Pages:154 - 166

An asymptotically constant, linearly bounded methodology for the statistical simulation of analog circuits including component mismatch effects
Guardiani, C.; Saxena, S.; McNamara, P.; Schumaker, P.; Coder, D.;
Design Automation Conference, 2000. Proceedings 2000. 37th , June 5-9, 2000
Pages:15 - 18

SiSMA: a statistical simulator for mismatch analysis of MOS ICs Biagetti, G.; Orcioni, S.; Signoracci, L.; Turchetti, C.; Crippa, P.; Alessandrini, M.;Computer Aided Design, 2002. ICCAD 2002. IEEE/ACM International Conference on , 10-14 Nov. 2002 Pages:490 - 496

Parameter extraction via test chips (a few papers as examples)

Interesting paper talks about PCA and RSM methods in statistical analysis.
Direct sampling methodology for statistical analysis of scaled CMOS technologies
Orshansky, M.; Chen, J.C.; Chenming Hu; Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on  ,Volume: 12 , Issue: 4 , Nov. 1999 Pages:403 - 408

Evaluation of transistor property variations within chips on 300-mm wafers using a new MOSFET array test structure Izumi, N.; Ozaki, H.; Nakagawa, Y.; Kasai, N.; Arikado, T.; Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 17 , Issue: 3 , Aug. 2004 Pages:248 - 254
Evaluation of transistor property variations within chips on 300 mm wafers using a new MOSFET array test structure Izumi, N.; Ozaki, H.; Nakagawa, Y.; Kasai, N.; Yasuhira, M.; Arikado, T.;Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2003 IEEE International Symposium on , 30 Sept.-2 Oct. 2003 Pages:91 - 94

Characterisation of the threshold voltage variation: a test chip and the results
Niewczas, M.; Microelectronic Test Structures, 1997. ICMTS 1997. Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on , 17-20 March 1997 Pages:169 - 172

Test-circuit-based extraction of inter- and intra-chip MOSFET-performance variations for analog-design reliability Matsumoto, S.; Mattausch, H.J.; Ooshiro, S.; Tatsumi, Y.; Miura-Mattausch, M.; Kumashiro, S.; Yamaguchi, T.; Yamashita, K.; Nakayama, N.; Custom Integrated Circuits, 2001, IEEE Conference on. , 6-9 May 2001  Pages:357 - 360

An electrical test structure to evaluate linewidth variations due to proximity effects in optical lithography Fallon, M.; Stevenson, J.T.M.; Walton, A.; Gundlach, A.M.;
Microelectronic Test Structures, 1995. ICMTS 1995. Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on , 22-25 March 1995 Pages:33 - 38

A simple test structure for accurately monitoring channel doping variations in a MOSFET Joardar, K.;Microelectronic Test Structures, 1994. ICMTS 1994. Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on , 22-25 March 1994 Pages:77 - 80

Examples of timing models

This is the only paper I found with MIS statistical timing model. The 2nd author at Intel works on the MIS problem without statistical variations (for industrial use). The 1st author did the intern at Intel 2003-04. This work was done at Intel.
Statistical gate delay model considering multiple input switching Agarwal, A.; Dartu, F.; Blaauw, D.; Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 41st , June 7-11, 2004 Pages:658 - 663

This paper is referenced a lot by the paper just above. The MIS modeling above is an extension from the MIS modeling in this paper, which is not statistical.
Modeling the effects of temporal proximity of input transitions on gate propagation delay and transition time Chandramouli, V.; Sakallah, K.A.;Design Automation Conference Proceedings 1996, 33rd , 3-7 June 1996 Pages:617 - 622

Variable reduction in MOS timing models Zukowski, C.; Chen, D.-P.;Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, 1988. ICCD '88., Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE International Conference on , 3-5 Oct. 1988 Pages:124 - 128

PARADE: parametric delay evaluation under process variation [IC modeling]
Xiang Lu; Zhuo Li; Wangqi Qiu; Walker, D.M.H.; Welping Shi;Quality Electronic Design, 2004. Proceedings. 5th International Symposium on , 2004 Pages:276 - 280

Statistical modeling of gate-delay variation with consideration of intra-gate variability Okada, K.; Yamaoka, K.; Onodera, H.;Circuits and Systems, 2003. ISCAS '03. Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on , Volume: 5 , 25-28 May 2003 Pages:V-513 - V-516 vol.5
A statistical gate delay model for intra-chip and inter-chip variabilities
Okada, K.; Yamaoka, K.; Onodera, H.;Design Automation Conference, 2003. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2003. Asia and South Pacific , 21-24 Jan. 2003 Pages:31 - 36

Design for variability in DSM technologies [deep submicron technologies]
Nassif, S.R.; Quality Electronic Design, 2000. ISQED 2000. Proceedings. IEEE 2000 First International Symposium on , 20-22 March 2000 Pages:451 - 454

Process related issues (a few papers as examples)

(key paper) Subwavelength lithography and its potential impact on design and EDA Kahng, A.B.; Pati, Y.C.;Design Automation Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 36th , 21-25 June 1999 Pages:799 - 804

Experimental study of threshold voltage fluctuation due to statistical variation of channel dopant number in MOSFET's Mizuno, T.; Okumtura, J.; Toriumi, A.;Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 41 , Issue: 11 , Nov. 1994 Pages:2216 - 2221

Vth fluctuation induced by statistical variation of pocket dopant profile Tanaka, T.; Usuki, T.; Futatsugi, T.; Momiyama, Y.; Sugii, T.;Electron Devices Meeting, 2000. IEDM Technical Digest. International , 10-13 Dec. 2000 Pages:271 - 274

Is gate line edge roughness a first-order issue in affecting the performance of deep sub-micro bulk MOSFET devices? Shiying Xiong; Bokor, J.; Qi Xiang; Fisher, P.; Dudley, I.; Paula Rao; Haihong Wang; En, B.;Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 17 , Issue: 3 , Aug. 2004 Pages:357 - 361

Intrinsic parameter fluctuations in decananometer MOSFETs introduced by gate line edge roughness Asenov, A.; Kaya, S.; Brown, A.R.; Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 50 , Issue: 5 , May 2003 Pages:1254 - 1260

Design for manufacturability

This paper explains why DFM was not used popularly.
A method for modeling the manufacturability of IC designs Boskin, E.D.; Spanos, C.J.; Korsh, G.J.; Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on  ,Volume: 7 , Issue: 3 , Aug. 1994 Pages:298 - 305

Physical CAD changes to incorporate design for lithography and manufacturability
Scheffer, L.K.; Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the ASP-DAC 2004. Asia and South Pacific , 27-30 Jan. 2004 Pages:768 - 773

Toward a methodology for manufacturability-driven design rule exploration
Capodlieci, L.; Gulpta, P.; Kahng, A.B.; Sylvester, D.; Yang, J.; Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 41st , June 7-11, 2004 Pages:311 - 316

Design for manufacturability in submicron domain Maly, W.; Heineken, H.; Khare, J.; Nag, P.K.;Computer-Aided Design, 1996. ICCAD-96. Digest of Technical Papers., 1996 IEEE/ACM International Conference on , 10-14 Nov. 1996 Pages:690 - 697

Design rule methodology to improve the manufacturability of the copper CMP process Lakshminarayanan, S.; Wright, P.; Pallinti, J.;Interconnect Technology Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the IEEE 2002 International , 3-5 June 2002 Pages:99 - 101

Design for manufacturability: a key to semiconductor manufacturing excellence
Wilcox, R.; Forhan, T.; Starkey, G.; Turner, D.;Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop, 1998. 1998 IEEE/SEMI , 23-25 Sept. 1998 Pages:308 - 313

Statistical parameter control for optimum design and manufacturability of VLSI circuits Bolt, M.J.B.; Engel, J.; v.d. Klauw, C.L.M.; Rocchi, M.;Semiconductor Manufacturing Science Symposium, 1990. ISMSS 1990., IEEE/SEMI International , 21-23 May 1990 Pages:99 - 106

Analysis of the impact of proximity correction algorithms on circuit performance
Li Chen; Milor, L.S.; Ouyang, C.H.; Maly, W.; Yeng-Kaung Peng; Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 12 , Issue: 3 , Aug. 1999 Pages:313 - 322

(Best paper) Electrical characterization of the copper CMP process and derivation of metal layout rules Lakshminarayanan, S.; Wright, P.J.; Pallinti, J. Page(s): 668- 676


Statistical timing analysis and Fmax prediction

(key paper) Statistical timing analysis based on a timing yield model Najm, F.N.; Menezes, N.;Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 41st , June 7-11, 2004 Pages:460 - 465

(key paper) First-order incremental block-based statistical timing analysis Visweswariah, C.; Ravindran, K.; Kalafala, K.; Walker, S.G.; Narayan, S.; Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 41st , June 7-11, 2004 Pages:331 - 336

(key paper) Statistical timing analysis considering spatial correlations using a single PERT-like traversal Hongliang Chang; Sapatnekar, S.S.;Computer Aided Design, 2003. ICCAD-2003. International Conference on , 9-13 Nov. 2003 Pages:621 - 625

(key paper) Impact of die-to-die and within-die parameter fluctuations on the maximum clock frequency distribution for gigascale integration Bowman, K.A.; Duvall, S.G.; Meindl, J.D.;Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of  ,Volume: 37 , Issue: 2 , Feb. 2002 Pages:183 - 190

STAC: statistical timing analysis with correlation Jiayong Le; Xin Li; Pileggi, L.T.; Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 41st , June 7-11, 2004 Pages:343 - 348

Fast statistical timing analysis handling arbitrary delay correlations Orshansky, M.; Bandyopadhyay, A.;Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 41st , June 7-11, 2004 Pages:337 - 342

Statistical timing analysis for intra-die process variations with spatial correlations
Agarwal, A.; Blaauw, D.; Zolotov, V.;Computer Aided Design, 2003. ICCAD-2003. International Conference on , 9-13 Nov. 2003 Pages:900 - 907

Block-based static timing analysis with uncertainty Devgan, A.; Kashyap, C.; Computer Aided Design, 2003. ICCAD-2003. International Conference on , 9-13 Nov. 2003 Pages:607 - 614

Maximum clock frequency distribution model with practical VLSI design considerations Bowman, K.A.; Samaan, S.B.; Hakim, N.Z.;Integrated Circuit Design and Technology, 2004. ICICDT '04. International Conference on , 2004 Pages:183 - 191

Statistical timing for parametric yield prediction of digital integrated circuits
Jess, J.A.G.; Kalafala, K.; Naidu, S.R.; Otten, R.H.J.; Visweswariah, C.;Design Automation Conference, 2003. Proceedings , 2-6 June 2003 Pages:932 - 937

A methodology to improve timing yield in the presence of process variations
Raj, S.; Vrudhula, S.B.K.; Wang, J.;Design Automation Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 41st , June 7-11, 2004 Pages:448 - 453

Static timing analysis based circuit-limited-yield estimation
Gattiker, A.; Nassif, S.; Dinakar, R.; Long, C.;Circuits and Systems, 2002. ISCAS 2002. IEEE International Symposium on , Volume: 5 , 26-29 May 2002 Pages:V-81 - V-84 vol.5

Timing yield estimation from static timing analysis Gattiker, A.; Nassif, S.; Dinakar, R.; Long, C.;Quality Electronic Design, 2001 International Symposium on , 26-28 March 2001 Pages:437 - 442

A Methodology for Worst-Case Analysis of Integrated Circuits Nassif, S.R.; Strojwas, A.J.; Director, S.W.;Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on  ,Volume: 5 , Issue: 1 , January 1986 Pages:104 - 113

A general probabilistic framework for worst case timing analysis Orshansky, M.; Keutzer, K.; Design Automation Conference, 2002. Proceedings. 39th , 10-14 June 2002 Pages:556 - 561


Our publications

1. Statistical diagnosis without prior knowledge about the potential holes --- post-silicon learning

*. On post-silicon speed path identification, submitted paper to VTS 2005

a. On path-based learning and its applications in delay test and diagnosis, DAC 2004

b. A path-based methodology for post-silicon timing validation, ICCAD 2004

2. Statistical diagnosis with prior knowledge about the potential holes --- solving the "matching problem"

The problem of statistical diagnosis was defined in the DATE 2003 paper. However, in that paper, the diagnosis is defined based on a defect model. Hence, the term "statistical diagnosis" then referred to "statistical diagnosis with prior knowledge about the potential problems." In DATE 2003 work, the assumption is that there could be only a few defects (or problems) randomly located across the circuit. This assumption breaks down if the problem is due to design holes where the effect can be "distributed" across the entire circuit. Hence, in a later work in ITC 2003, we study the possibility of using the framework presented in DATE 2003 to diagnose problems whose effects are distributed across the entire circuit. The DAC 2004 work was actually inspired by the limitations in ITC 2003 work. As you might find out, if the problems are distributed (1 problem affects the timing of many parts of the circuit, like a design modeling error), the effectiveness of the DATE 2003 diagnosis framework can be limited. Hence, we started to develop a new diagnosis methodology without assuming a fault/error model.

a. Delay Defect Diagnosis Based Upon Statistical Timing Models -- The First Step, DATE 2003.

b. Diagnosis-Based Post-Silicon Timing Validation Using Statistical Tools and Methodologies, ITC 2003

3. Critical path selection --- no need to test many paths

a. Critical path selection for delay fault testing based on a statistical timing model, to appear to IEEE Trans. on CAD 2004

b. On statistical correlation-based critical path selection for timing validation, unpublished manuscript


