Useful Stuff

Microprocessor Test and Validation Lab

Talayeh Saderi

Professor Li-C Wang

Department of  Electrical and Computer Engineering   
University of California at Santa Barbara

My Research Interests

     I am a Semiconductor Research Corporation, SRC, fellowship student founded by Intel. I am participating in the MS/PhD  program in UCSB in Design-silicon timing correlation.  My research focus is deriving different characteristics of a data set by data-mining techniques. Principal Components Analysis and Simple Principal Components are the main tools which are used in this matter. Principal Components Analysis, PCA, is a technique for classifying different data patterns in desired fields.My assigned task at SRC is Statistical Timing Simulation Tools and Methodologies for Speed Test and Performance Validation.

Contact Information

Talayeh Saderi
ECE Department, Engineering I
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106
Lab Tel: 805-893-5832; FAX: 413-702-3370

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