Top ten list (approach):
- #10: Complex solutions never work. Only simple ones do.
- #9: All problems are seemingly complex at the first glance. But no
problem requires complex solutions.
- #8: We do research because we enjoy doing it.
- #7: Research and life are full with uncertainties. But you don't want to
be trapped by noises.
- #6: While we enjoy doing research, it is also good if we can be rich.
- #5: Know your limits. There are problems that cannot be solved in this
world and perhaps you don't need to solve them either.
- #4: The optimal approach is to do whatever you can the most effective
ways and leave whatever you cannot alone.
- #3: Know when to cut loss. Average investors look for profits. Smart
investors know when to cut loss.
- #2: Family and friends are what that count at the end. What we do is to
take care of people, not the other way around.
- #1: Nothing is more important than happiness. When you are happy, you
attract happy people. When you generate happiness to people around you,
happiness will find you. Great research result does not always come with
happiness. But if we have a choice, we would prefer both.
Top ten list (perspective):
- #10: The ultimate goal of PhD study is to have a chance
to learn the ultimate weaknesses in your personality
- #9: Suffering is an effective process of learning, though
quite painful. Hence, part of adviser's job is to comfort
- #8: Your biggest strength is often the biggest weakness
- #7: Capacity is increased by emotional control. A person
with small capacity cannot hold great things.
- #6: Everything is meant to be. Your past determines what
you get. Therefore, you cannot change the present and the near future. You
can only try to understand it.
- #5: Your long-term future can be changed by changing your
personality. You do have a choice.
- #4: Persistence is a merit. Persistence without
frustration is a strength and a bless.
- #3: Everything you have is under a lease. Therefore, you
have the responsibility to maintain it and you have the choice to enjoy it.
- #2: Nothing comes alone by itself. They always come in
pair, the part you can see and feel, and the counter-part you often miss.
- #1: There is nothing you have to have and hence, there is
nothing you have to lose.